

Current access limited to 1 industry in free tier.

Unlock data for 40+ industries.

Current access limited to one industry in Free tier.

Unlock data for 40+ industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hovering on the top-right corner of the chart displays an option to change the visualization.


We’ve got you covered. Just scroll down to the table, hover on the top right corner of the table pane and click on more options. You can then export the data in a format of your choice:

  • Excel
  • CSV
  • PDF
  • HTML


This dashboard only covers non-standardized data such as subscriber additions, restaurant count, shipments etc.

We have separate dashboards for financial data and intelligence. To access them, please navigate to Financial Data from the menu and select the feature you’d like to visit (sector data, insights, screener etc.).

No worries. Let’s try two remedies for this:

  1. Resetting the view

    Please click on the Reset button to restore the view.

  1. Reload the page.

If the dashboard still shows “No Data”, please reach out to us so we can investigate.

Why does this happen?
If we want to switch from one company to another, we’ve to reset the category to default. Otherwise it shows “No Data”

Example: Let’s say we’re looking at AT&T’s subscriber losses. And now we change the company to Tesla. This “subscriber losses” category won’t be present in Tesla so the dashboard will show “No Data”. Clicking on the “Reset button” will default the category, restore the view and display all the companies in the database.

Another reason why this happens is if the page is left open for a long-time and a user-session expires. In this case, reloading the page usually fixes the view.

However, if you’re still unable to access the dashboard, please drop us an email at support@businessquant.com and let us know.

If you closely track a sector or a company, please drop us an email at support@businessquant.com and let us know. 

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  • Access all features immediately
  • Datasets updated every day
  • Export data in CSV and XLSX formats

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Starting from $49 $19 / month


BQ Star Yellow 60%

Get Pro for 60% off

  • Access all features immediately
  • Datasets updated every day
  • Export data in CSV and XLSX formats

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Starting from $49 $19 / month
